On July 29, 2021, Director of IITB A. Korablev made a presentation at the International Mechanical Engineering Cluster Forum of the Republic of Tatarstan - the leading Forum in the field of mechanical engineering in the region.

During his speech Alexey Korablev presented IITB training programs inside the Digital Learning Factories for specialists in the field of Industry 4.0. Digital Learning Factories are digital twins of innovative factories in the industry that students need, and inside which, among other techniques the VR/AR/MR technologies are used. In this way, operators, robot and CAM programmers and service engineers can be trained in many aspects of Industry 4.0.

News and Announcements

Vice Governor of St. Petersburg V. Knyaginin visited IITB on July 1, 2021
June 29-30, 2021 - 2 days IITB Training
June 1-4, 2021 - IITB & SICK AG Training Program