On October 18, 2021, the Special Representative of the Governor of Saint-Petersburg for Economic Development, Anatoly Kotov, visited the Institute of Innovative Technologies in Business.

During this meeting, A. Kotov got acquainted with the infrastructure of the Institute for conducting trainings and various innovative systems of Industry 4.0: digital motion capture suits, collaborative and industrial robots, software and VR simulators.

Anatoly Kotov, has been personally acquainted with virtual tours by objects of Industry 4.0.

IITB presented its educational programs of innovative technologies in the field of Industry 4.0 - robotization, automation, digitalization, artificial intelligence, VR/AR/MR. In particular, participants discussed the possibility of carrying out such programs for the enterprises of Saint-Petersburg, which will improve the qualifications of specialists employed in medicine, waste processing and other branches of city management. As a result of the meeting, possible prospects for the promotion and implementation of innovations in enterprises of Saint-Petersburg and other regions were considered.


Визит Котова в ИИТБВизит Котова в ИИТБВизит Котова в ИИТБ

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