Vice Governor of St. Petersburg V. Knyaginin on July 1, 2021, visited the Institute of Innovative Technologies in Business. Within the framework of this meeting, the guests got acquainted with the IITB infrastructure for conducting trainings, as well as discussed prospects and outlined specific steps for cooperation in the field of education in the fields of industrial robotization, digitalization, innovative development and Industry 4.0 in general.


Встреча Княгинина в ИИТБВстреча Княгинина в ИИТБ

News and Announcements

July 29, 2021 Director of IITB A.Korablev made a presentation at the International Mechanical Engineering Cluster Forum
June 29-30, 2021 - 2 days IITB Training
June 1-4, 2021 - IITB & SICK AG Training Program