The Kazakhstan Association of Automation and Robotics (KAAR) is a non-profit organization that brings together companies interested in the development of robotics in the Republic of Kazakhstan. KAAR aims to promote the development of automation in Kazakhstan for economic growth and improved living standards in support of the new economic policy " Нұрлы Жол " ("Bright Path"), adhering to a systematic approach, integrating industries, promoting the introduction of new technologies, international cooperation and exchange of experience.

The Institute of Innovative Technologies in Business presented its educational and R&D programs on robotization, automation, digitalization, artificial intelligence, VR/AR/MR. Vladimir Turekhanov personally got acquainted with virtual tours of digital twins of innovative robotic industries.

As a result of the meeting, possible prospects for bilateral cooperation were discussed and the possibility of conducting such educational programs for enterprises and students of Kazakhstan was considered. 

News and Announcements

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