Despite the rapid development of virtual reality and augmented reality technologies, many people still confuse these concepts and may have the wrong idea when the conversation comes about one of these areas.

AR - augmented reality - is a projection of some digital information on or over real objects that surround you in space.

VR - virtual reality - is a completely created artificial world, a part of which is a user wearing a special device - glasses. It is about this technology and its application that will be discussed in this article.

Over the past few years, major global companies such as Samsung, HTC, Xiaomi, Sony, Lenovo and others have released several models of VR glasses, trying to maximize the image quality and ease the use of the device, reducing the weight and number of wires required for connection.

However, despite the significant advances made in the field of virtual reality, the technology still has serious drawbacks, such as a high entry threshold for new users, stress on the eyes and the nervous system during long work, as well as the expensive cost of glasses and high system requirements for computer for cutting performance.

Nevertheless, the competent use of virtual reality makes it possible to increase the efficiency of several processes, in particular, training. There are many cases of using VR technologies for various training courses, from the catering sector for training cooks, to training employees of railways and housing and communal services to troubleshoot machine malfunctions.

Programming and maintaining industrial robots is also a complex process that requires some training. Through the use of VR technology, training becomes more effective due to the possibility of gaining hands-on experience with any model of industrial equipment, simulated with the highest accuracy. In addition, training becomes safer, as an industrial robot is a dangerous mechanism that can cause serious injury even to a person who is familiar with all safety rules.

Thus, we can conclude that virtual reality technologies have great potential in the future, however, their effective use is possible even now with a competent construction of the educational process and skillful integration of VR into it.

The team of the Institute of Innovative Technologies in Business.


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